Video on the UN system-wide MEDEVAC Mechanism

The UN MEDEVAC Mechanism serves as an example of a successful One UN partnership between numerous entities to design, resource, and implement a system-wide medical evacuation framework in the face of the unprecedented circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. Complementing First Line of Defense (FLOD) activities, COVID-19 MEDEVAC is a last resort, which provides life-saving support for severely ill COVID-19 patients who require a level of care not available at their location. This ensures that UN personnel, partners, and their dependents can continue to stay and deliver.

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Built on the principles of results-based management, an accountability framework will enable heads of entity to demonstrate that they are exercising their delegated authority in a transparent, responsible and accountable manner.

Business Transformation and Accountability (BTA)—a critical pillar of the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC)—is a shining example of innovative transformation afforded by the new management paradigm.

The launch of the new Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) on 1 January 2019 was a critical step in the path to make the Secretary‑General’s vision for a nimbler, more responsive United Nations a reality.